“Connect to” vs. “Connect”

 Seth Godin offers some thoughts on the difference between connecting to your customers and connecting with them.

An organization might seek to ‘connect to’ its customers or constituents. Connection is a form of permission, the ability to deliver value to the people who request it.

Vertical connection creates the ability to communicate yet delivers a barrier to entry. Most online stores are connected to their customers. Most freelancers seek to connect to their clients. Most teachers work to connect to their students.

That’s different, though, than ‘connect’. When you connect with your customers or your audience or your students, you’re the matchmaker, building horizontal relationships, person to person. This is what makes a tribe. People caring about people. Side by side, multiplying exponentially.

Of course, connecting is where the real emotions and change and impact happen.

Social media, marketing campaigns, and “touch” programs can be devised to get your customer’s attention, but only you can make the personal connection that distinguishes you and your company from everyone else out there in the marketplace.

Connecting with clients, co-workers, employees, strategic partners, is an art.  We teach our clients the “art of rapport building” using neuro-linguistic programming techniques that establish instant rapport and get the client saying, “This person really understands me. I want to work with him/her.” Do your clients say that when you connect with them?

Try it! This week pick up the phone and talk to a client. Make an appointment to have a face-to-face meeting with a client or referral source.  The next time you go to hit the “Reply” button ask yourself this question, “Which of your competitors will talk to your client this week?”  Risk getting up close and personal with your clients … if you don’t, your competition just may!