What questions are you asking yourself as you enter into this New Year? Questions about our life surface this time of year as we ask, “What do I want to accomplish this year?” Sometimes the answers come quickly, and other times the answers are not so readily available. If we don’t get the answer we want, we may drop the question and move on to another one.  Yet the question is the first step and is the catalyst that sets us into motion seeking an answer.

Take time to honor your questions this year.  What do they reveal about you? What insights do your questions give you about where you are in this time of your life and what you are seeking? What do your questions reveal about your work or your business and what you are seeking to find in them this year? What questions just don’t seem to have answers, yet?

The poet Rainer Marie Rilke says, “Live, love, your questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”  Sometimes just letting the question ruminate for a while is the best medicine!