Welcome to 2015!

What makes you happy?  That’s the question Shannon Kaiser, author of Find Your Happy, asked those she interviewed for her book.  She interviewed people from all walks of life and found that happy people make a choice to be happy, even when their circumstances were cause for unhappiness, and that they had 7 habits* in common that they rarely talked about.   You might be surprised by some of them.

  1. They put themselves first. Happy people put their needs first because they see the power of showing up fully to others. When you take care of yourself, you help everyone else.
  2. They embrace impermanence. People who feel at peace with their life recognize everything has a time and place. Happy people recognize that life is a balancing act between holding on and letting go – and they’re comfortable releasing things that don’t serve them.
  3. They’re unapologetic about their desires. Happy people make their dreams come true and focus on their goals with fearless force. They know life is short and not following through would feel like premature death.
  4. They don’t worry about money.  Happy people are extremely generous. They know the more they give, the more they will get back in return. Happy people also have a healthy relationship with money, and they have learned it is connected to their self-worth. The more they value themselves, the more money they attract.
  5. They don’t need you to like them.  Happy people don’t care what others say or think about them. The only thing that matters is that they like themselves. This self-confident, infectious energy often attracts a lot of people.
  6. They know rejection is protection. Happy people don’t take rejection personally. They know in the big scheme of things, life will always give them what they really need.
  7. They see everyone as equal. The happiest people see no difference between anyone and any situation. They embrace all of life’s diversity and celebrate the contrasts.


“Happy”may not be the term you use to describe your goal for your life but these 7 habits may just help you find whatever you are looking for in 2015!

[*Excerpted from “7 Habits Happy People Have (But Never Talk About)” by Shannon Kaiser.]