If you work with me (Mary Anne) I’m sure you can hear me asking…. “What’s the vision?” “Where are you really trying to go with this?”  “How is what you are doing or about to do going to get you there?” “What is the road map?” “What impact will you have on others if you do this?” “Will that impact be helpful and move you closer to your Vision?”  You know I love questions. I love both the power and the art in them.

Since I work with super-smart clients, they can aptly reflect on and answer these questions, yet often what their answers reveal is that they might have overlooked possible outcomes. Their energy and excitement had created a way forward.  They have the vision. It’s as clear as day.  They know where they want to go, and they are certainly passionate about where they are going. In those moments I think, “Wow, they are amazing, creative and powerful.” Which is the truth. Then something in me wonders if their approach or plan will be enough? Have they covered all the bases and made sure they are working the “best” plan to get what they want? That’s where the coaching comes in. I ask for more clarity so they can uncover or discover what’s missing in their plan, and after an all important strategic pause and with a little help from their coach, they have not only gotten the clarity they needed but their plan is stronger, more measurable and ready to be put into action.  But most tell me it’s not only that they now have a solid plan, it’s that through the process they had to look themselves in the mirror and really dig deep and through that, they learned or changed something in themselves – and that’s what makes me think … I have the best job in the world!

Today as you implement your Vision, ask yourself “Is my Vision crystal clear?” “Is my Plan thorough?” “Have I looked myself in the mirror today and asked myself the tough questions to ensure that this is my ‘best’ plan?”  If not, give us a call, we’ll be honored to help you do that!

Here’s what inspired me this morning as I wrote this Tip:

“Vision without execution is just hallucination.” Henry Ford

“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” – Japanese Proverb

“Visions are exhilarating. They create the spark, the excitement that lifts an organization out of the mundane.” Peter Senge